Articles written by many members of Ladner Christian Reformed Church.
Virtual Communion or Eucharistic Abstinence?
One of the ways we can refuse to normalize live-stream worship is to not try to find a virtual substitute for the Lord’s Supper.
How to Prepare for Virtual worship Services
Some thoughts about how we can prepare our hearts for Sunday.
Spiritual Disciplines in the Wilderness
To respond well is to be intentional about our spiritual wellbeing.
Celebrating Easter During a Pandemic
We bear witness to the fact that into a world of pain and sorrow a new reality has appeared: the joyful reality of resurrection.
Extending Love
How can we extend love to one another and our neighbour during this difficult time?
Quarantine Letter #2
The church is ultimately not a building, but a people, and even more, God’s people.
Quarantine Letter #1
This, most of all, is a chance to believe the gospel: Jesus still reigns as king.