I’m New Here
We are so glad that you have visited our site and trust that it will help you to take the next step of visiting us on a Sunday. We pray that Ladner CRC may be a place that you grow to love God and become connected to his people in a greater way.
No matter who you are, where you have come from, or what your background is, you are welcome to visit us.
As a church, we are a group of diverse people who have been brought together and primarily defined by one thing: God’s love displayed to us through his Son Jesus’ death and resurrection for us. As we believe this good news (or ‘Gospel’) of God’s love, we find that we have the most important thing in common with each other - we have become God’s dearly loved children! God’s love then urges us to live out our lives in radical response to his goodness - by loving him wholeheartedly, being transformed by the Spirit’s work within us, being connected to his people, and serving others in the world we live in.
On this website, you will find all the information you need to help you get connected to our church, in order that you may grow in your love for God and join us on our mission to tell the world of his goodness.
We gather every Sunday morning to worship, pray, and fellowship together as a church family. Join us Sunday at 10:30am.
We have many opportunities for developing friendships, deepening faith, and growing together beyond our Sunday Gatherings.
We have various initiatives designed to serve and support one another as well as our neighbours.
We are ready to answer your questions and help connect you to the resources and opportunities to join our church community. No question is too small or too big. We look forward to hearing from you.